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Foreign Embassy & Consulate in Nepal

The foreign embassy and consulate in Nepal ( located in Kathmandu) are given below. Please click on the link below to download the file about the location and contact details.

Embassies and consulates in nepal
The foreign embassies and consulates located in Kathmandu and their contact details:

Phone 01-4371678, www.nepal.embassy.gov.au; Bansbari, beyond the Ring road in Maharajgunj.

Phone 01-4372843, 4370 438 fax:4373265, Maharajgunj,
Open from 9 am to 1.15 pm and from 2 to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Visa applications during mornings only, tourist visas are not issued here but are available on arrival in Dhaka.

Phone 01-4415193; www.cconepal.org.np, Lazimpat

Phone 01-4411740, fax: 4414 045 ; email: chinaemb_np@mfa.gov.cnwww.chinaembassy.org.np, Baluwatar,
Consular section is in Hattisar. Phone: 01-4440286 (Chinese, English, Nepali) 9851046472 (mobile, 24 hours, Chinese, English) Fax
number: 01-4438260
Open from 9 am to noon and 3 to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Visa applications are accepted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 to 11.30 am and passports are generally returned the next working day between 4pm and 4.30 pm, though same day express services are available. You need to have proof (such as an air ticket to Beijing or Shanghai, if you are applying yourself. This is to show that you are not traveling via Tibet.

Phone 4413 010, Fax :4411 409; http://www.ambkathmandu.um.dk/en, Lazimpat

Phone 5524 812, 5520083; Fax 5522 975, Pulchowk

Phone 4416 636, 4417 221; Fax: 4416 703; http://www.finland.org.np; E-mail sanomat.kat@formin.fi

Phone 01-44 12332, 4411740, www.ambafrance-np.org, Lazimpat,
Open from 9am to 12.30 pm from Monday to Friday.

Phone 01- 4 412786, 4416832, www.kathmandu.diplo.de, Gyaneshwar

Phone-01-4410900, fax-4413132; www.south-asia.com/Embassy-India Lainchaur
Open from 9.30 am to noon and 1.30 to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday.
Visa applications can be filed between 9.30 am to noon and they can be collected between 4 pm to 5 pm. The cost of processing tourist visas is about Rs.2100-3200 (about 30-50 dollars) depending on the nationality, plus a Rs.300 telex tax (about 4 dollars), Rs.1000 (about 12 dollars). To get a transit visa a photocopy of your visa and two passport size photos are required. Transit visas are valid for 15 days from the day of issue and are non extendable.

Phone 01-4411 811, 4413 419 Fax :01-4413 920; Lazimpat; Email israelem@mos.com.np, info@kathmandu.mfa.gov.il

Phone 01-4426680, comjpn@mos.com.np, http://www.np.emb-japan.go.jp/ Pani Pokhari.

Phone-01-5524788; fax-5523402, Chakupath near Patan Dhoka City Gate, Patan,
Open 9 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday.
For visa applications go during the morning. Fourteen day visas are available and make sure you bring 4 photos and US $ 20.

Phone-01-5523444); consulate@snv.org.np, Bakhundol, Patan,
Open from 10 am to noon Monday and Wednesday to Friday and 10am to 11pm on Tuesdays.

New Zealand
Phone 01-4412436, fax:4414750, Dillibazaar, Honorary Consulate only

Phone 01-55445307, Pulchowk

Phone-01-4374011, fax 4374012, Narayan Gopal Chowk, Ringroad, Maharajgunj
Open 9am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday

Phone 4412 155, 4411 063, Fax 4416 571; Baluwatar Email ruspos@info.com.np http://www.nepal.mid.ru/

Sri Lanka
Phone 4720 623, 4721 381, Fax 4720 128; Email nepemb@sltnet.lk Maharajgunj

Phone-01-4371410), fax-4371408, Bansbari,
Open from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 4.30pm .
Visa applications are accepted from 9.30am to 12.30 pm and two photos are required.

Phone 01-4410583, www.britishembassy.gov.uk/nepal; Lainchaur,
Open from 8.30am to noon and 2-4pm from Monday to Thursday and 8.30 to 11.30 am on Fridays

Phone 01-4007200, http://nepal.usembassy.gov; Maharajgunj, Kathmandu,
US citizen services, open from 1 to 4 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 8 am to 4.30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday

Consular Section
Phone: 01-4007200, Fax: 977-1-400-7281, Email: consktm@state.gov

  • Nepal Footprint Holiday Treks Pvt. Ltd.
    Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
    GPO No : 6427
  • Tel : +977 14700302, 4701768
    Fax: +977 14700122
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